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BVMed Academy HMV seminar with law firm Hackstein & Reuter and BEO BERLIN

The BVMed Academy's online seminar titled “Application Procedure for the Medical Aids Directory” is aimed at all manufacturers and distributors of medical aids who are developing innovative products or want to launch them on the market.

Experts present

Once again, BEO BERLIN is providing a speaker for the BVMed Academy's online seminar “Application procedure for the medical aids directory” on October 1, 2024. Together with Jörg Hackstein, specialist lawyer for public procurement law, CEO of BEO BERLIN and graduate engineer  Michael Vent will answer questions and show how to tackle challenges on the producers way to the medical aids directory.

Under the moderation of Julia Pohl, from the Department of Outpatient Healthcare of the German Medical Technology Association (the BVMed Academy), the participants will experience a lively exchange of experience and information between the two experts.

What's in Store?

The seminar is held annually in late summer by the BVMed Academy and provides manufacturers and distributors with an overview of the German Medical Technical Aids Register (HMV) and shows ways to avoid the pitfalls of the application process. Mr. Hackstein and Mr. Vent will familiarize the participants with its legal basis and practical implementation. This will include the role of the Medical Aids Register in the reimbursement of medical aids and the path of a product in the medical aids directory. These complex topics will be explained professionally and pragmatically by the speakers using practical examples.

The event is aimed at manufacturers and distributors of aids who pursue the following interests:

All manufacturers and distributors of medical aids who want to develop new products or launch them on the market! As well as to those who apply or want to apply for an aid number in order to have their products reimbursed by health insurance companies.

Summed Up

The seminar offers manufacturers and distributors a professional overview of the medical aids directory. It shows in practical terms how to successfully master the application process. The speakers - experts in their field - explain the legal basis, the application and the path of a product in the directory using concrete examples. The knowledge acquired will help you to recognize the importance of listing in the medical aids directory as early as the product development and market launch stages and to accelerate this process by implementing strategies at an early stage.

Event details

Online seminar: Successful application: What to do, how and when?

  • Tuesday, 01.10.2024 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Register here by September 30th, 2024.

We are also happy to assist you outside of this seminar. Please do not hesitate to contact us !

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